1. I can't sleep without a blanket covering me from neck to toe.
2. I don't like iphone before but because of some idiotic reasons, I realise that it is so cool
because of the cute cases.
3. I love puffins.
4. I am addicted to Benedict Cumberbatch.
5. I am quite agitated to cosplay again.
6. I have a massive addiction on tights. Whenever I see one, I can't helped buy it immediately.
7. I do love tea. Whatever flavour it is.
8. I do love putting cosmetics, so I can imagine myself being an awesome painter even though
I am not.
9. I have a collection of Union Jacks.
10.I am always changing my drawing style. It is unconsciously.
11.My favourite cake is the 'Virgin Cake' my sister bought for me. It is really expensive but
I can't really forget the flavour of it.
For some extra things, I just recently draw Arthur Kirkland of Hetalia with a different drawing style again.
As I opened my Facebook account, the first thing I saw is the 2013 Calendar of Hetalia. if I will describe the front cover with one word, it will be Gorgeous. See it for your self.
See? Himepapa is making us fall in-love more and more. You can pre-order it on YesAsia.com and I will definitely buy it. I also saw an article about how British words are conquering American English. As an Anglophile of course that is so bloody brillant. You can read the full article here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19670686
So...See you in the next post!