Wednesday 26 December 2012

Bilbo's Limbo

  • Reading: LoTR rawwwr!
  • Listening: Tsugi Au Hi Made- Kise and Kuroko's duet song
  • Eating: Diet :P
  • Drinking: Water
  • Stalking: KiseKuro
  • Place: Siting in the Dining Room like a BOSS
  • Cosplay updates: resssst.....
  • Fandom in the moment: KuroBasu!!
  • This will be a short post. I just want to put here my sister's poem that she made for me.It is about the book/movie, The Hobbit. Yessss, that is actually my favourite book made by my favourite author, J.R.R. Tolkien but unfortunately, the movie's name is still not included in my already watched lists. It is not like I don't want to but because of some unfathomable reason....Well, I still not able to. I am depressed because of that. My dad felt so bad about it because I kept on blabbing about The Hobbit ever since this June and I don't have the chance to watch it. I just don't know why he felt so bad about it even though it is not his fault...That is why my sister made a poem to cheer me up. Here it is!

Bilbo's Limbo

Fear is a wooden despot-
Fragile Sting from the cotrie's fools
Victimized the me of a hobo
In scorn of a hobbit drools

The eveybody I beget, worse it shook
Tragicomically, Gandalf came
To take me off the toxic hook
Saed from Black Rider's shame

On 'Withered Heath' wrested and vested
T'was a yore since last unearth
Now a 'Tooks' for the game you betted
To belong in Ring' kingdom's hearth.

Awesome right? My sister really loves writing poems ever since she was...dunno...elementary, I think. She just realises that she really loves writing when she was already in fourth year college; regretting not to take a course related to it. Because of that, all of her unfinished dreams are now in my shoulders. She just takes everything out on me. Phew...that bastard. You see the changes above? The one indicating what I am doing right now I mean. I just decided to put that in every post I will make. Random but awesome. I think you already know where I get the idea. That's all, I think. See you next time guys!

Monday 24 December 2012

Imagine miracles with the generation of dragons

Just like the title, that is my new-found hobby. Well, I jumbled it a little bit but I do know you can understand. First, I want to tell you guys that I am captured by Imagine Dragons' song. All of them. Of course, the first song that really captured me is It's Time. It is so catchy that even my sister is listening to it so loudly everyday. Lyrics-wise, I cannot say anything for all of them are awfully good. Music-wise is also making me speechless; every song has uniqueness mixed with it. It is the first time for me to like the band's every song. That's why I decided to put it in my favourite bands list.

That is my favourite song by Imagine Dragons entitled Demons. Anyways, I am also into Kuroko no Basuke fandom. I am actually into it even before this but not officially. But now, I am proud to say that I am so in-love with it that I really cannot stop. As a fujoshi, of course I need to put my gay radar in maximum volume and found an adorable pairing in the name of, KiseKuro. Yesssss, that is Kise Ryouta and Kuroko Tetsuya. I also ship Generation of MiraclesXKuroko. I am going to try not to spam this post wth KiseKuro pics so I think 3 is enough.....I hope.

 I am also planning to cosplay Kuroko one of this days or if my cosplay partner agrees. Wish me luck! See you next time guys!

Merry Christmas!

First of all, Merry Christmas guys! (No emoticons for now....too tired ) I just spent my Christmas in front of the laptop while eating a mouthful of spaghetti. I also received a Union Jack mug from my sister. Good thing she knows what present can makes me happy.

Here some shots: (Warning! Low quality pictures)

Anyways, I just remembered my last blog before I made this one. When I searched about it in the web, I saw that someone pictured me on their own blog. It is flattering of course and I do know that some people are reading my ex-blog so when I decided to just continue that one and abandon this, I immediately felt my dying muse inside my ex-blog. So, here we are again! I really regret thinking that idea. 

phew! See you next post guys!!

Friday 21 December 2012

Cosplay Plans for 2013

I decided to do some planning for my cosplays. It is not official though, because I still want to plan with my cosplay partner. We are not keeping in-touch right now because of our Christmas vacation (once we hold our laptop, we eventually forget about the world.) but we are already reviving our cosplay souuuuls by doing Christmas!hetalia and by scheduling a meet-up to plan things up. So here is my list:

1. Yosugara Kei- Rust Blaster manga
2. Allen Walker's 3rd uniform- D. Gray-man
3. Sweet Devil!England
4. American Revolution!England
5. Izaya Orihara- Durarara
6. Nyotalia!England
7. Nyotalia!Austria
8. 2p!Arthur Kirkland
9. Arte Stella Valentines!Arthur Kirkland
10. Young!England
11. Gakuen Hetalia! England
12. Amnesia!Heroine
For Extras:

> Onodera Ritsu- Sekai ichi hatsukoi
>Syo Kurusu- Uta no Prince-sama
>Isana Yashiro- K Project

12 cosplays for 12 months:) My  extra ones are for those cosplays who are made earlier than I expected. I hope I can do all of these. Wish me luck guys! :))

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Alive and Kicking

Hello guys! Well, I just made a big 2 month hiatus and I hope it will not happen again. This will be only a short post because I am arranging the things I left here in the virtual world and at the same time doing my fics for the Yullen Week 2012. I hope that my next post will be about The Hobbit and all my British craziness. Tata for now :))