Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

First of all, Merry Christmas guys! (No emoticons for now....too tired ) I just spent my Christmas in front of the laptop while eating a mouthful of spaghetti. I also received a Union Jack mug from my sister. Good thing she knows what present can makes me happy.

Here some shots: (Warning! Low quality pictures)

Anyways, I just remembered my last blog before I made this one. When I searched about it in the web, I saw that someone pictured me on their own blog. It is flattering of course and I do know that some people are reading my ex-blog so when I decided to just continue that one and abandon this, I immediately felt my dying muse inside my ex-blog. So, here we are again! I really regret thinking that idea. 

phew! See you next post guys!!


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